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Re: Big Emotions

@Jynx @tyme 


That's awesome! I love the quote 🙂


Thank You so much for your words of wisdom; they have really helped make me feel calmer about the whole situation ❤️


Also, guess what? I saw them (again) today! From memory, I think they may have given me a little smirk? But, they definitely kept trying to look at me, but kept looking away (without smiling this time) 🙂


Re: Big Emotions

@Jynx and @tyme ,


Saw them again, they didn't bother to acknowledge me. I'm a bit upset. 

Re: Big Emotions

Hey @JPEG1998 ,


I recognise they can cause you to feel upset. I'm hearing how hard it is for you that they didn't acknowledge you. 


Out of curiosity, are you satisfied within yourself? Or do you think you are looking for others to fulfil a gap within you?


No pressure to answer if you don't want. There's no right or wrong answer. I'm just curious so as to better support you.

Re: Big Emotions

Hey @tyme 


More than happy to respond to your question.


I'd like to think that I am becoming more satisfied with myself as the days pass, as I have returned to adult school to gain my high school certificate. However, I could say that something that I am not satisfied with is the fact that I've never had sex, or been in a relationship. I feel like I am ready for both. While I have never forced anyone to 'like' me back, I have to say, it is starting to get annoying, having men go hot and cold on me. I'd be celebate if I weren't a virgin. I'm very introverted, so I get hurt pretty easily.

Re: Big Emotions

HI @Jynx and @tyme ,


I have another update on them. 


Saw them earlier today. They were trying to avoid eye contact with me. So they've essentially gone from giving me solid eye contact (that lingered), and a reeeeeeeaaaaaalllllly big smile (that lingered), to not giving me eye contact at all. 


I don't want to get my hopes up, but my intuition is telling me that they're potentially attracted towards me and dont know what to do about it. Maybe they're in a relationship, maybe they're not... I dont know!

Re: Big Emotions

Hi @Jynx and @tyme ,


I have decided to move on from them. I feel sad, once again. 

Re: Big Emotions

@JPEG1998 it can be a hard choice to make, and the sadness can be very heavy - but it will pass, and perhaps this means you will find someone with whom things are much easier 🤞

Re: Big Emotions

How are you today @JPEG1998 ?

Re: Big Emotions

Hi @tyme ,


I am really not coping well at the moment. I may have to go back the psychiatric ward, for the first time in five years. If that is the case, then I don't want people to know about me being there. I feel cursed.


I've chatted to a number of people about this person who I have feelings of attraction for, and I have received mixed opinions. It is so hard to decipher as to whether or not this person is interested in me. I no longer feel any better when I talk to people about my feelings, in fact I feel angrier than ever before. I'm going to snap at random people one day, and it's not going to be pretty. 

Re: Big Emotions

Please take it easy @JPEG1998 . If you don't feel up to talking to people about it, that's totally understandable and totally okay. You know best.


I'm really sorry that it's been so hard for you. People react to situations like this in different ways. There's no right or wrong.


Know that we are here if you need an ear.