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Looking after ourselves

Senior Contributor

Re: Gratitude

thanks for the tag @frog  yes saw some type on tv talking about gratitude yesterday. Have left my garden repairs for a bit seems. Glad I got through work okay though, glad I met young person worked with a couple days. Glad I let myself have some nice food yest, well iceblocks, magnum etc and nibbled at choc cake etc 

Glad I have somewhere to live

@Meowmy @Bill16 

Re: Gratitude

@frog 💚💚

Re: Gratitude

💚💐 @frog 

Re: Gratitude

Today I am grateful for

1. My new laptop

2. Catching up with 2 friends

3. The prospect of a low key, early night.

Hi @Faith-and-Hope @outlander @Maggie @TAB @Eve7 

Senior Contributor

Re: Gratitude

today am grateful for pain meds, 

drs letter that I just thought to upload to centrelink

music am listening to

and being alive. it can be underrated lol 


@frog @outlander @Faith-and-Hope @Maggie @Eve7 @Former-Member @MDT @greenpea 

Re: Gratitude

@TAB @outlander @frog @Faith-and-Hope @Maggie 


today I am grateful for my life

ny rabbit

my children

my music

my friends on sane

Re: Gratitude

today I am grateful for:

Sunshine (but not the wind)

Not running out of petrol this morning

Friends irl and SANE

S1 going to shops for me

Not applicable

Re: Gratitude

@TAB just grateful for life itself and be alive and be able to grow, even with an illness and take in everything. So thank you for giving me some support I hope you are well. I hope you accept life and it's challenges and thank you for giving me a hand and hope your kindness is not taken advantage of. Thanks @TAB. 1 person makes a difference

Senior Contributor

Re: Gratitude

😸😅 nice of you to say that @Former-Member All Good hope

Re: Gratitude

Today I am grateful for:
Freedoms (politcal, social etc) even though covid is about
friends and family who are supportive to me
Sane forums
food (cooking beef korma tonight)
mindfulness as a form of therapy
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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