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Re: Need help with a complex situation with depression

Not sure when I'll next be on @Faith-and-Hope. I've been getting triggered badly lately. Over sensitive to things. Not sure what my future is on the forum. Just wanted you to know from me. No one fault. I'm just in a strange headspace. New stuff is happening and I'm not sure how to deal with it all. Think I'm over talking about me too. I want to help others but I'm not coping with that so well lately either. Take good care of you. You and utopia are holding everyone up at the moment. Make sure you don't burn out either. Sending heaps of love and hugs 💜🤗💐😘🤗💜

Ill catch you when I can. 💜🤗

Re: Need help with a complex situation with depression


Re: Need help with a complex situation with depression

Wow .... some awesome spelling auto-correct in here ..... lol ... and forgot to tag you @Former-Member .....💕

ISo glad to see you (home again now ... can talk ....).  I have missed you but wasn't surprised you were staying quiet with everything that is going on at the moment, especially with the ages and stages you've got going on at home as well.  I hope something has eased up a bit there ....

The forum seems to go in cycles a bit, but there have been so many triggered, and probably triggering along with it in the last couple of days that I figured you would be finding it really hard going.

Others step back from the forums for a while, then return, as we have seen Maz back lately, and eth.  I hope things settle for you and everybody here, and you're around a bit more again soon.  Perhaps just follow the more cheerful threads for a while (like F&A ?) such as 365 Project, and your Feel Good Moments .... there's nothing wrong with sticking to the uplifting content, especially with depression to manage in whatever form it takes.  It can be easy to overlook that that is a major purpose for the forums too .... providing positivity and distraction .... and tools for lifting yourself up out of a depressive state, with or without psych support depending on your situation.

The tools are important, but the relationships are too .... first things first ... you have to look after you and yours in the best way you know how.  Let me know if I can help ....

Hugs .... ❤️💕

Hi @Former-Member ..... 😊💕

You're one, re the self-care and self-compassion, with a lot of the tools to share .... veggies, pamper days, and walks amongst them.

Hugs to you too .... ❤️💕

Re: Need help with a complex situation with depression

@Former-Member, hugz xox

Re: Need help with a complex situation with depression

Love the image @Former-Member ..... 

Was that one from S1 ?


Re: Need help with a complex situation with depression

Awesome picture @Former-Member xx