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Re: partner trying so hard to get help!!!

@kiki ... yeah it happens when you have to do an edit of disallowed words or names .... ๐Ÿ˜Š

Re: partner trying so hard to get help!!!

there tigz!! thank you so much for sharing, it feels great just knowing i am not alone!!!! well done mr t โ˜บ and you too! the asdessments seem so useful,good to hear medicare chipped in, i hadnt even thought about that ๐Ÿ˜„; we are sooooo looking forward to the assessments as no treatment has helped so far. mr k will willingly attend anything that will help. he has stopped taking sedative type medications as they made him super grumpy and just irritated and gross. also stopped antidepressent as psychiatrist thinks he is not clinically depressed. feels much better for it;gp just gave him a 7 day course of a medicine used for weight loss at low.dose to help with his weight loss (thanks to the fattening, useless/terrible assortment of antipsychotics) and he has.been like a.different person the last few days. up and about, cleaning and tidying house, planning beach trips....he isnt jittery and high but feels energised and calm amd is sleeping better?! also his high bp (he takes meds for it) has stabilised beautifully.he has cried with happiness for how "normal" its made him feel. maybe this reaction will support a diagnosis of adhd ?! psych will be referring him to adhd if neurotesting supports it.i am worried that it wont!!!!!!! because this new tablet has just been magical and its a psychostimulant. oh the weirdness! thank you for reading! i have just edited to not have specific drug names, sorry if its not quite right still xoxxoxoxooxxoxox thank you moderators ๐Ÿ˜

Re: partner trying so hard to get help!!!

@kiki the assessment part and waiting for the report can be the worst bit, but if it leads you both to a place where recovery / stabilisation becomes possible, it is SO worth it. 

Mr T too finds the side effects of the medications challenging, particularly the weight gain but he has started walking every day and we bought a rowing machine which he loves! He also reacts SO severely to alcohol, one or two drinks and he is in a funky mood for 2 days... like grumpy/tired/angry all at once... i call it stormclouding haha! but it means he has had to give up alcohol all together which can be challenging in your 20's. As a show of support i have given up drinking too so he is never the only sober person at a funtion and it is rare either of us actually even consider a drink.

I am so glad Mr K is showing signs of improvement.i know i personally spend SO much time thinking and worrying about Mr T when he isnt himself it really impacts my life and my ability to cope with everyday things such as my work... and it is so tiring... so when you finally see that little glimmer of hope, its like relief washing over you. 

Adult ADHD can be so difficult to diagnose. Our new Psychiatrist wasnt to assess Mr T again for ADHD (he was medicated unsuccessfully as a child) but Mr T has confirmed he is not open to the medication options for that as he had such a bad experience so we are probably not going to bother. Plus he seems to manage it himself fairly well without it impacting him negatively (unlike his bipolar which needs management with meds).

My fingers are crossed for your diagnosis journey!



Re: partner trying so hard to get help!!!

โค๏ธ Love the "storm-clouding" @Tiggeroo ..... have been doing a bit of that myself today .... bit over-tired and over having a cold ... :face_with_rolling_eyes:


Re: partner trying so hard to get help!!!

@Faith-and-Hope i too occassionally stormcloud around haha! 

sometimes though i think we are allowed too! 

Try and head out and get some sun, it will do wonders for your cold, and it might help the clouds to clear a little ๐Ÿ™‚ 



Re: partner trying so hard to get help!!!

@Tiggeroo .... I agree .... re stormclouding ..... ๐Ÿ˜„

Just came back from a short walk and crashed for an hour .... completely out of energy .... hopefully recovered once I get up and going again, but it will have to be a gentle day ... listening to my body .... unlike someone else around here ....:face_with_rolling_eyes:

So glad Mr T is compliant ..... don't think WH will be .... but hopeful anyway .... we can't see around corners, and this experience has really shown me how much you can think you know someone, and everything can suddenly change ....

Can suddenly change for the better too tho ....


Re: partner trying so hard to get help!!!

Hello @Faith-and-Hope, @kiki, @Tiggeroo, @PeppiPatty, @Former-Member, how is everyone today xx

Hello @kiki, checking in to see how you are going xx

hope you are ok xx