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Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Take care @Shaz51 .Fingers crossed you can fend it off, but I'm sorry to hear Mr shaz is so ill. That was a touching encounter with the mum and kids, a sad day for them. 

I'm hoping I didn't catch flu too, someone I saw Sunday has just tested positive. I've been vaccinated too.

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Oh Shazy big hugs 🫂 @Shaz51 

Poor thing you’re exhausted.


Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

@Shaz51 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Hope you stay well @Dimity 🥰


I am @Glisten , @StuF 

Just got a message from my DIL's mother and she wants to visit us soon 

Mr shaz does not want to see her

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

@Shaz51 put yourself first. What do you need?

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

gentle hugs @Shaz51 please wish mr shaz a speedy recovery from me. 

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

@Shaz51 , oh what a scare! Thank goodness Mr Shaz is back at home and hopefully he can have better rest (and you too). Did the drs give antibiotics? At least it's not COVID.

So glad you were there to give that family a hug on such a sad day for them. 

Always lovely to reconnect with the people whose hearts we have touched.

I really hope you don't get sick @Shaz51 .

I'm sending you both all the healthy vibes!

Please look after yourself my friend 🫂🫂

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Hope you can rest up @Shaz51 ... most things can wait. Do you have some ready meals or easy options? 

Please know we care.

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Thank you @Dimity , @Healandlove , @Jacques 🥰


No antibiotics given,  but they have done lots of swabs and tests which we won't know the results for a while 


Been having easy meals which is good 👍 

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Sounds like those kids really lived you @Shaz51 

How lovely for both of you to bump into each other on a hard day. Hopefully Mr Shaz comes good soon

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