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Re: Carer burnout.

@Appleblossom howdy back.💓  Appreciate you taking the time to write. Thanks.

Re: Carer burnout.

That's a wonderful idea @Lemonjuice, and it could help if shared across the women in the street too. Maybe each take turns, or work out who does well in each role and allocate the resources so everyone plays their part. Small community halls often have trestle tables as well, so hopefully there are enough tables for all the families to join in. Love the thought of the street all getting to know each other and learning who is who in the neighbourhood. A little envious of you having the library so close by as well Heart 

Re: Carer burnout.

@Ali11 thanks.  💓

Not applicable

Re: Carer burnout.

Community = 😀😀😀

Meals where everyone brings a plate to share = 😀😀😀 @Lemonjuice

Having someone who is good at cleaning up after these dinners = 😀😀😀

What a fabulous idea, well achievable and does not need to cost much. A plate of roast veg is gluten free, vegetarian and vegan so caters for a lot of dietary restrictions. Soup & bread rolls are another less expensive  option.