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Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie , sending good thoughts for you and hoping that today can be a better day for you 💙

Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie , hoping you're OK, or safe at least... Sending 💙

Re: My special place

Hello @NatureLover !

This is your daily reminder to drink water 🙂

I'm not the best either, but I am actively trying because I need to hydrate my spongebob-self 😛

Re: My special place

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been around, I've had a few rough days.


I hope you all are doing well.

Sending love to all 💕💕

Re: My special place

Hoping today is a bit better @Snowie  💕

Re: My special place

Sending you both some invisible over-the-internet hugs @Snowie & @Bow

How's the day ahead looking for us all?

Re: My special place

@PizzaMondo made a nest on the couch, hoping I don't have to leave it. Prn are helping.


How are you going?


Re: My special place

I like the sound of this nest you've made @Snowie .. sounds cosy!


I feel like a little egg today with my hoodie on since I got out of bed, hood and all.. kind of feels like one of those egg style chairs - you know the one I'm talking about?


Like this...

Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 1.40.05 PM.png

... so I kind of feel like that today, nesting away like you too 😛


Does your nest come with some yum snacks so you don't have to leave it any time soon?...

Re: My special place

@PizzaMondo those chairs look comfy but probably not enough room for me and the dog. She likes to spread out!


Got a coffee. Trying to eat but have no appetite. 

Cold here. Have oodie on plus heater.


Re: My special place

That's understandable - the couch nest is better for now I am sure 😛

Sounds like coffee, oodie and heater is perfect for now ❤️

Are you watching anything on TV atm @Snowie ?