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Re: My special place

Please don't feel you have to say sorry for anything @Snowie we both know ECT works better as inpatient over a few weeks but who can keep dropping their life for that.

Re: My special place

I know things go on hold for you whilst you are an inpatient, but I really do hope it helps for you @Eve7 You deserve something to go right after everything you have been through.

Please take care of you, you are important to us all on here.

Love to you hon 💕💕



Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie , you will be at your last ECT now...I hope it goes well. 


Sorry the appt with your psych yesterday didn't go well. 


Hoping for lots of hope and strength for you both dear @Snowie  and dear @Eve7  💙💛

Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie @Eve7 and @NatureLover I hope today has been kind to you all 💖🫂

Re: My special place

Thanks @creative_writer and I hope the same for you. 

Re: My special place

@Eve7 I’ve come down with something so resting up.

Re: My special place

@creative_writer sorry to hear that. Hopefully it doesn't affect you too much. Resting sounds like a good idea.


@NatureLover 💗



Re: My special place

@Snowie I don’t think I’ll be doing placement tomorrow, still shivering and coughing.

How was your day?

Re: My special place

Might be a good idea not to do placement @creative_writer if you feel that sick. Better to stay at home and rest. Can you make it up another time?


I had ECT this morning. Meant to be last one. Speak to pdoc on Monday. After I tell him what is happening I think he might want me to do more. I just don't want to go back in.

Besides that day has been sh*t.

Re: My special place

I'm sorry to hear today hasn't been great @Snowie 




Sorry you don't feel well @creative_writer . How long is this placement?