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Re: what to do about agitation

Hi @Eden1919 gosh you're really doing it tough at the moment. You're being very brave & strong. Sleep deprivation on top of everything else would be very painful, you must be exhausted.

Try to eat something if you can.

I totally understand having to pull over. I was dreading an appoitnment with a psychotherapist one time, then it started raining and that was too much. I had to pull over into a side street and started screaming hysterically & uncontrollably. I ended up turning around and going back home as I couldn't face the appointment. It's good to pull over becuase it protects you from danger on the roads.

Good luck with your test, you're very bright so I'm sure you're good at doing them.

It's lovely that you have supportive people but that's really hard they are far away. I'm really glad you're going home soon & looking forward to seeing your pets. Though I can understand how getting there is a cause of stress.

Try to look after yourself as best you can today, let us know how your day goes if you feel up to it.

thinking of you today & sitting with Cat Happy


Re: what to do about agitation

@Eden1919, thinking of you today , are you ok

we are here for you

Hello @BryanaCamp , @jay2 , @Appleblossom , @greenpea 

Re: what to do about agitation

@Eden1919 Sorry to hear your struggles. Agitations are the worst. I used to have them very frequently. I used to find talking to people helped. Talking over the phone to friends or family or helplines. When it got too severe, I moved back to mum’s house.


The worst was I didn’t know when it will come on. It is frightening and really dampens confidence.

Mine got better when I started dealing my underlying emotional issues. But it took a long time.

I think it took the time for me to be calm enough to look into my deep emotional issues.

I wasn’t as brave and strong as you, dealing it alone in an apartment. It took several hospital admissions.

When I started looking into my deeper emotional issues, all those mentioned strategies helped.

Writing down, walking, swimming, music, reading, watching TV shows.


When it was the worst, nothing worked, I just had to walk it off for hours until I feel less tense.


Hope you will get there.

Take care.

Re: what to do about agitation

@Meowmy @Shaz51 @BryanaCamp  I am not ok at the moment. I am back with my family for the Easter break but I found out I failed one of my assignments and I literally don’t have time to redo it and I don’t know how because I thought I had done what the teacher said I hadn’t and I have been fighting back tears all day because I didn’t want to ruin everyone’s Easter and hid under a blanket most of the day and pretended to be sleeping. I just can’t do this I am exhausted and i don’t have anything more I can give to this like I am trying my hardest but it just isn’t good enough and I literally can’t go any further I don’t have it in me. But at the same time this was my last chance at some kind of a normal life and it isn’t working like people say you have time but I literally don’t my parents don’t have great health and I never know when they won’t be around and then I will have no one to support me and I won’t have any kind of qualifications and the centerlink money is not enough to cover things and I don’t have other family that could help and a lot of the health issues are genetic which if I get them it will likely be in my 30’s and then I could just as easily be gone any minute and this was the only thing to stop me ending up back in the hospital and I can’t go here again after what they did to me and meds don’t work therapy doesn’t work but I can’t even look after myself properly I am so exhausted and no amount of sleep is making me feel rested and I really don’t know what to do anymore I genuinely don’t know if I can do this regardless of what I want I don’t know if I can. And I am scared because if I can’t then that leaves me with literally nothing and no way to continue. I am safe. 

Re: what to do about agitation

@Eden1919 @Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. It is so hard to be unwell and not coping at Uni assessments. I find that when I was at Uni, it was also hard. All I did was just persist, and persist, and persist. Even I felt terrible and hopeless. But eventually I got through. It is a good thing that I completed my education. I hope you will keep persisting and eventually come through. Many times I thought it was hopeless. But then it was good to reach the end goal.

Best wishes.

Re: what to do about agitation

@Meowmy  i get what you mean but i just dont think i can do that i have been doing that for so long already and i just dont think i can keep doing it for much longer. 

Re: what to do about agitation

@Eden1919 I hope you find the strength to persist a bit longer and complete the course.When I was doing it, my mother was trying to destroy it all the time because she didn’t believe in girls getting education. But my father then thought it was good so that I can make more money for him.

I guess in life, we take the bad with the good.

Qualification is good to have. Then if you really can’t don’t blame yourself either. Life turns many ways. Keep believing the best.


Re: what to do about agitation

hi @Eden1919 sorry to hear about your assignment, that's tough after putting in so much work.

I'm sure you're eligible for Special Consideration due to mental health difficulties. I got Special Consideration when I was at uni and got a long extension to complete an assignment.

I think it would be kinder & helpful if you changed to part-time study at mid-year.

I hope you enjoyed seeing your pets. Cat Happy

I hope you're ok. Let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it.