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Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing side effects of medication // Tues. 17 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

Hey @Shaz51 - we've just been discussing if people have reached out to their doctors/MH professionals to discuss side effects and how that conversation went Smiley Happy

@Former-Member - its great that you were able to bring it up, it can be an uncomfortable subject for a lot people. They can feel embarrassed or a sense of shame, which is so unfair. Opening communication about this gently and slowly can help get you to find out more about the impact the medication is having - as you found. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing side effects of medication // Tues. 17 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

have reached out to their doctors/MH professionals to discuss side effects -- sorry @Former-Member

no my mr shaz won`t bring it up and stops me from saying anything

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing side effects of medication // Tues. 17 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

@Former-Member - I guess I'm struggling with the idea that I might need to change meds to get any relief from side effects. I feel like I've got the best mix I've ever had and part of me doesn't want to mess with it, but the side effects esp sexual make me absolutely miserable

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing side effects of medication // Tues. 17 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

Yes @Dave1977, I feel that is what my mr shaz is thinking too exactly

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing side effects of medication // Tues. 17 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

@Shaz51 - what do you do when you're walking a tightrope and don't want to sneeze?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing side effects of medication // Tues. 17 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

Tonight has been a big discussion! I can understand you may feel a bit weary from bringing up so many things that you have been dealing with. Make sure to take some extra time tonight to do someting nice for yourselves (a cup of tea? bath? sleep!?)  As its about to be that time of the night where we are needing to finish up, I just wanted to say a few things. 

Tonight’s discussion has been really eye opening and I hope the feedback, ideas and insights have helped you all in different ways. Noticing a lot of commonly shared side effects may also help to empower you to feel less afraid to discuss them with a GP/MH professional and continue to work on them too. Medication can be a hard part of our journey with mental illness and it is important to share, support and reach out through this process.

You are all your own super heroes as you continue to manage not only the side effects of your mediation but your overall journey of management of your mental health.


I am going to leave you with a few thoughts and tips from SANE Australia board member and Psychiatrist, Doctor Mark Cross: 

  • Never feel too shy to discuss a side effect you are experiencing with your MH professional – they are there to offer support and information around the experiences you have with your medication
  • It is so important to always ask any questions you have and to be upfront with your thoughts, so your doctor can work with you on these
  • Bring someone to your appointment, if you can, when the doctor talks about medication and side effects. Sometimes when you are feeling overwhelmed or nervous, information can be missed. Having a friend, family member or trusted person with you can help them to remind you of a few things
  • If you are needing to take medication for a different illness, be sure to make the doctor aware of the medication you take for your mental illness. It is important so that the doctor can consider possible interactions between each.
  • I advise to never simply stop taking your medication. Stopping a medication without consulting a doctor can lead you to deal with more difficult withdrawal side effects. It is okay if you wish to come off your medication, just be sure to go and talk to your doctor about the best way to do that

Dr Mark Cross is also the author of Changing Minds: the Go to Guide to Mental Health for you, family and friends  Smiley Happy

Thank you to all who participated tonight, I am grateful for such openness and honesty! Sweet dreams all Heart


Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing side effects of medication // Tues. 17 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

Take a big breath my friend and carry on @Dave1977

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing side effects of medication // Tues. 17 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

thank you for the information @Former-Member and thankyou for a wonderful interesting night '

and thank you for everyone for coming and come and joinus 24/7 on the SANE forum

thank you.png

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing side effects of medication // Tues. 17 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

Thank you @Former-Member et al