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Re: Hope fading

Oh @Stargirl @we are both on the forum at the same time.


I have been through similar things with my son.


I am being very restrained in my statements regarding those 2 systems. 

Re: Hope fading

Hey @Stargirl ,


I'm thinking of you and your daughter. 


I'm relieved to hear she has sort of accepted medical supports. I hear how much you are trying to support her and from such a distance. Can you speak to her over the phone regularly?


I'm glad you are able to have some time to yourself to do the things that you enjoy. Hopefully this is helpful as part of your own mental health and wellbeing.

Re: Hope fading

Good morning @Appleblossom

How is your son doing now? It's such a hard journey for them and for us all.

I am with you on those two systems and what I could really say! 

I really want to leave this world having made a real difference to how we as a society treat each other, mental illness and incarceration. 

A renaissance of awareness and understanding and compassion and tangible help (not just words of hope or change) needs to happen. Maybe it has started as the conversations around these issues are everywhere it seems. 

There are so many 'lost' youth in our society making waves and not in a positive way. It's sad however maybe that's what the world needs to experience to wake up and act. I feel for all those youth. I am firing on all cylinders this morning and I haven't even got our out of bed!

Found the number to where my daughter is staying temporarily and left a message last night. She won't have liked that but it's not a private number. I don't know where she is exactly. I just recalled the number she called me on last. She did not return call. She is angry at all the knocks she's having trying to get back on her feet and really struggling. We have had a number of unsettling arguments suddenly. It's both of us trying to adjust. Me being so sad that she is having these struggles even with some support in place. Her struggling with overwhelm and uncontrollable thoughts. I'm ready and prepared to hear from her hopefully today. I have given her a small amount of money until her Centrelink comes through next week after initially refusing to assist as I was wondering if she had reverted to old habits. She hasn't. I just needed to work those feelings (of my  paranoia about her past) out and I did that by going for a walk. She doesn't know I changed my mind. It won't be easy to make amends. I hope she will understand. I'm here for her. 

Thank you and @tyme and others for being here for me. It does help to be able to 'see' my thoughts like this. 

Re: Hope fading

Good morning @tyme 

Not really accepted medical assistance but wanting to which is a start. Usually she waits for the crisis and then it becomes a medical emergency... However I think that is changing as she seems to be letting others know when she is not well. I'm seeing some steps in this respect to her mental health struggles but she's not quite there yet. 

I do talk to her regularly as I am pretty much the only person she has apart from one friend and another one who isn't always available. I'm trying to respect her struggles. Read my other post for details. Thank you for your ongoing support. It means everything to me. 

Re: Hope fading

Hi @tyme @Appleblossom well after a week of transition for both daughter and I, there have been some break throughs. I won't go into details other than to say we have had some good positive conversation and even a few laughs. Still lots of challenges for daughter however she seems to be growing her strength the handle things...for now anyway...hope you are both travelling well? 

Re: Hope fading

Oh @Stargirl 


That was a really thoughtful post you left nearly a month ago. So sorry I haven’t been on the forum to answer you. I lost my password and limited my time online. I hope you and your daughter are doing alright. 

My son and I are doing reasonably. He is settling in again after 2  hospitalisations. I have been busy with a few music projects which is keeping me very social. That, the garden and physio are my main activities. It is tricky finding the balance of support to provide. I try and model healthy living and leave a lot of wriggle room to be available.



Re: Hope fading

Hi @Appleblossom @ now it's my turn to apologise as I have been busy with so much. Lots of life pivot points happening over the coming months. Trying to keep myself together and strong. Exercising regularly and feeling okay. I'm sorry to hear of the challenges with your son. I hope he is continuing to settle. It is so hard to watch as they stumble and as you pointed out, so tricky to find the balance of support to provide. Daughter has recently made some choices that are not in her best interests however she is determined to forge ahead. She is doing well in lots of ways but has created more challenges to overcome.  Looking back at how far she has come is like reading a fictional story. She has experienced everything you can imagine for someone with mental health challenges that presents well, has an all or nothing approach to life, unhealthy attachment issues and avoids what really matters. I have to stop myself from over worrying about the situations she gets herself into as I cannot foresee the way forward. I just have to stay as positive as I can and hope that in some small way helps her.

Oh you are a musician? I was but not anymore. My art brain is taking over again! 

Re: Hope fading

sending you lots of hugs @Stargirl 😍

so glad to see you reaching out to other parts of the forum 


My art brain is taking over again! --- what kind of art do you like  , painting, drawing ?


Hello @Appleblossom , @tyme , @Krishna 

Re: Hope fading

I am well supported however the connections on this forum are so welcome as there is genuine understanding and compassion 💖 I mostly draw and paint using watercolour but I love acyclic and oils just don't have a studio set up for that at this point.  

Re: Hope fading

Hey @Stargirl ,


So glad to see you 🙂

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