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How did you create worst anxiety triggering imaginal exposure??

Good morning,

I came across imaginal exposure as one of the important tool that i can engage especially for OCD where practising in real world with real stuff isn't possible. For example if someone has fear of doing sometging wrong with their own kids or fear of getting addicted to drugs like ice. Imaginal exposure can allow you to face difficult situations without any limitations i think.

So how did you create your worst anxiety provoking imaginal exposure? what did you do to make it real anxiety triggering? How did you feel after practising?



Re: How did you create worst anxiety triggering imaginal exposure??

No one with OCD uses imaginal exposure? :face_with_rolling_eyes:☹

Re: How did you create worst anxiety triggering imaginal exposure??

Hello @garyking

This is a very interesting thread you have started, I am wondering what has helped you with imaginal exposure and OCD? I would like to understand more about how that helps you?

Lunar 🙂

Re: How did you create worst anxiety triggering imaginal exposure??

Hello @Former-Member

Medications are certainly helping. As some of the things can't be done practically in real world I am thinking of doing more of imaginal exposure. But I am not sure how to create imaginal exposure that looks and makes me feel anxious. From what I read it needs to be no more than A4 page ideally around half of A4 page. I am trying to create effective story to do imaginal exposure so I can expose myself gradually to it. Hopefully I can create something that is effective and causes me real anxiety..

Do you have any suggestions? Anyone working on similar idea of imaginal exposure?



Re: How did you create worst anxiety triggering imaginal exposure??

Hi @garyking,

I'm afraid I don't have any experience in this area and thus don't really have anything helpful to say. However, your post interested me because I know a psychologist who is doing her clinical masters, and for her dissertation (also known as a thesis) she is looking at how knowledgeable psychologists and other mental health professionals are regarding imaginal exposure and whether or not they use it. It seems that a lot of psychologists are scared of using this technique with clients because they aren't confident in their ability to support the client through the process. As I said, this is really not of any use to you, but I thought I'd just mention it. I'm super impressed that you are looking to use this technique yourself and I hope you find it helpful.

Re: How did you create worst anxiety triggering imaginal exposure??

What a facinating topic. It's great to hear about imaginal exposure therapy. It's not something I have come across on the forums before.

Is this something your psychologist specialises in? How have you heard about it? 

I have a family memeber who has worked with their therapist around exposure and feeling their anxiety whilst being in a supportive envionment with the professional. Some of their sessions were easier than others, that's understandbale but they were happy overall with the outcome.  

Where are you at with this now?

Pebbles 🙂


Re: How did you create worst anxiety triggering imaginal exposure??

Thank you for all the replies.

So basically I have created few scripts that I read. These scripts are not more than half A4 size page. Few things I include in these scripts are doing things I fear like sexually or physically assaulting someone etc. and  consequences that I face due to my action like getting arrested, going to jail, feeling down etc.

I don't think there are many psychologists who understand how to do ERP/CBT for OCD let alone imaginal exposure. I feel like I can't rely on them too much as I haven't found any psychologist who can help me with ERP/CBT in great detail. I am going to try one more psychologist in few days/weeks so I will see how I find him/her for my ERP/CBT. I believe ERP/CBT is the key for me and I need to face feared situation(s) more and more to be able to get more better. I would like to get as much help with imaginal exposure and CBT/ERP that I can get.

Before I was just on low dose of SSRI but now my psychiatrist has also put me on anti-psychotic. So I am taking both SSRI and anti physchotic currently. I MUST say that even low range dose of anti psychotic has made tremendous difference to my mental health. I feel less guilty and able to think more clearly. I am working on some unwarranted beliefs that I am holding in my head for few years now as they are causing problem to me mentally.

So overall I am taking steps towards better mental health. Hopefully this helps all on this forum.

Re: How did you create worst anxiety triggering imaginal exposure??

I think it's great to develop strategies that work for you but I would be running it past your new psychologist- you wouldn't want to do anything that might feel good in the short term but cause problems in the long term. I know it's hard finding the right type of therapy though so I hope your new psych can guide you through it 🙂
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