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Re: Big Emotions

@tyme ,


I saw them again the other day. They completely ignored me, and only spoke to me when I spoke to them.


I also saw my new psychiatrist the other day, too. They seem to think that I have undiagnosed BPD and Autism 😞

Re: Big Emotions


Re: Big Emotions

Hey @JPEG1998 wow, a rollercoaster for you hey! How are you feeling about the potential for those diagnoses?

Re: Big Emotions

Hey @JPEG1998 ,


I'm so sorry they ignored you. I hear there's some big emotions there.


What's happening for you tonight?

Re: Big Emotions

Hi @tyme and @Jynx ,


Feeling a bit overwhelmed over this particular individual, as well as with my studies. I bumped into them recently, and they didn't acknowledge me. In other words, nothing new to report. 


Apologies for not responding sooner. I find talking about my experiences very overwhelming.

Re: Big Emotions

Hey @JPEG1998,


That's totally okay. Take your time. 


Sometimes, it doesn't need words. Just know we are here for you.

Re: Big Emotions

Hi @tyme and @Jynx ,


I met my peer support worker today, and I got sooooooooo much off my chest about this particular individual. However, I feel more anxious. There are so many 'what ifs.'

Re: Big Emotions

Heya @JPEG1998 yeah it's obviously a pretty emotionally overwhelming situation, so take your time as needed hun. 


I'm glad you got an opportunity to get some stuff off your chest! I think it's also okay to be feeling more anxious afterwards too - I always feel kinda 'brittle' and raw after a big venting session, sometimes I end up second-guessing myself like 'did I overshare' or 'did I make a mountain out of a molehill' but it helps to remind myself that it's all part of the process. Like, sometimes venting is needed to help us truly make sense of all the thoughts and feelings. 


Hope you're doing alright this evening hun. Are you gonna be seeing your support worker often? 

Re: Big Emotions

@Jynx @tyme 


I don’t have it in me to respond properly right now as I am still consume with thoughts about this person. 

I’ve noticed that when I am up close to them, they either a: completely look away, or b: look away and smile uncomfortably. On the ODD occasion when I look at them from a distance, I will catch them looking at me and then they will quickly look away .


I don’t know if this person is interested in me or not. And I don’t understand what their behaviour means. 

Re: Big Emotions

@tyme @Jynx 

They’re in a relationship 😢