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Re: Does anyone want to talk

Nah, not yet @ArraDreaming I would love one but right now I just don't have the space. I've only got a little courtyard, and I've already got 2 cats so I'm really hoping the next rental will be one that has enough space to welcome a dog into the family 🐕



Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah that’s true they need a lot of space @Ru-bee I don’t know how mum did it with this one
She’s busy

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I don’t know a whole lot more about Nicki’s life before us @Ru-bee

Re: Does anyone want to talk

she was very afraid of me when we first got her @ru-bed

Re: Does anyone want to talk

How lovely that you were able to give her more space @ArraDreaming 

It sounds like she's pretty well suited to your family and getting to go to work with you

Re: Does anyone want to talk

she loves my work @Ru-bee she sits in the front seat of the Ute when I have to drive around
She even has her photo on the staff wall
She doesnt come with me every day and gets grumpy when I have to leave her at home

Re: Does anyone want to talk

we have had her since she was about 1, and it has taken a lot of time and patience to be able to get her outside in the community like the beach, we take her out bush on our bikes and my work, no way she would of been able to do that even a year ago…. @Ru-bee
from what I know mum would take her to the shops but she always stayed by her side or on a lead she didn’t go to the beach or to open places

Re: Does anyone want to talk

she’s a stage 5 clinger at home though she doesnt leave my side I go to the garage come back 10 seconds later and she fully has her tappy feet and wiggly bum like I have been gone for 3 weeks @Ru-bee every single time
we were worried how she would go adjusting to the baby but shes been amazing and they are best buddies

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Stage 5 clinger 😂 @ArraDreaming 

So lovely to hear that she's great with the baby. It's amazing how gentle dogs can be around little ones. 

When I was a bub I was great mates with our family dog who was a big boxer

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Oh cute @Ru-bee although she’s just gotten to the pulling phase and wants to pull her tail and ears, and it’s hard to keep up a crawling baby so we have keep on top of that so they stay best buddies haha

I got death stares, grumbles, and a lot of getting in between the two of us when we first bought her home but that settled pretty quick