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Re: Does anyone want to talk

I call her a baby but she’s almost a toddler realistically @Ru-bee crazy times

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Do you have kids @Ru-bee

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Nah, no kids here. I have enough trouble taking care of myself sometimes 😅 @ArraDreaming 


I do have a handful of nieces though, and I love being an aunty. I still call the younger 2 babies, but they are well and truly toddlers who are walking and talking and everything. 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

That’s nice @Ru-bee I better get to back to work thanks for the chat cya mate

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@Ru-bee is it rainy where you are Nicki and I are taking shelter

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Nah, luckily its dry here as I've just hung out some washing @ArraDreaming 


Hope the rain clears up for you two soon!

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hey @ArraDreaming How's your week been?

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hey @Zoe7 yeah not bad… I’m not tracking the greatest right now but I know I can get through this, like I have other times, just a short fuse and that, nothing major but got a lot in the background which I guess is why….
you know we got a house but we still have to pack up and move with 3 kids
Some family stuff esp my sister
A bit…
How are you

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Moving itself is enough @ArraDreaming but having other things going on at the same time makes it extra hard. You will get through it all though buddy, take time out for yourself when you need. I know that is not always possible with family but you also need some breathing room when your fuse is running short.


I am okay. Been trying to sell off some things so I can pay for upcoming vet bills. Clover may need all her back teeth out so that is going to be expensive and Toby will most likely need further medication for his ear as it is not completely cleared up yet. I have been working on my laundry. Just need the pipes connected up then I can finish it. My sister's partner is a plumber but is away at present so I have to wait until he is back and has a spare hour.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah it’s a lot @Zoe7 but we will manage, it’s exciting too when we can get past the packing and moving part and be settled
Out current house needs significant work done to it including replacement floorboards and new carpet after we had a water issue a few weeks back
So we may be moving a lot sooner so we can get out in time for that to be done and not have to live around it while packing up the house
Going to see what I can wrangle up

@Jynx how are you? Long no see pal
It’s rainy here
Just got some pics from family up in FNQ enjoying the sun, a whole different world compared to todays weather