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Re: Tabalugas

@TAB Hey Tabby, may be get a fruit to eat,watch some TV and come back to induction later. Work is always stress. But we can't live without it.  Just lying down enjoying bright warm light in room. Funny the homeless guy sleeps near big supermarket hot pipe at night. Think ourselves luck ha.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

nah have seen trick questions before but nothing like this, had 3 goes at it am just guessing, plus it makes you go back right to the start if get it wrong, so someone else can sort it or whatever just did salt gargle and breathe in vicks lol having hydration lol  @Meowmy  over it 

whats happening @Bill16 

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB Hey Tabby, no hydration here lol. Think will prepare for tomorrow breakfast here. Hope things go smoothly for you tomorrow.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

well on tiles meant re air chisel @Bill16 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

thanks @Meowmy  um yeah few hurdles here this afternoon til just before Oh well .Why should things be easy(sarcasm alert) lol

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

the pea is around a lot more lately @Meowmy @greenpea GP ..

Hi @Angels333 @Former-Member @Former-Member  Cat Happy

Re: Tabalugas

Hey @TAB 's I will miss you when you go to work next week 



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

cos I wont be here? @Angels333  jk lol um yeah few twists and turns yet, not done deal they want another drug test, they want another covid test, they want inductions that came across un answerable question on tonight with so yeah  anyhoo think labor hire desperate to send me there to get their cut so are telling me anything anyway should know more tomorrow No Happy Jan .. lol 

how are you going ?

Re: Tabalugas

Ah @TAB  it's Thursday night I had so much anxiety after DBT was feeling like a panic attack but had a few drinks to calm the nerves.   It's a bit of a routine not good really....   


And you're so sick,  I hope you get through re work...  how are you otherwise?


All my shifts got cut due to covid I'm only working 4.5hrs on Saturday.   


Things have been terrible and I know it's my mood swings because I am doing this course.   It's a change and I react badly to change.   I'm hoping it all settles soon tbh.



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

thats no good re shifts @Angels333  yeah coughing bit overwhelming sometimes just sick of it and now causing me stress eg having to leave while waiting for covid test was cough so badly now think job might be in jeopardy cos of cough dunno

coughing is not a good look these days and stupid GP should have given me antibiotics months ago  so its pretty well entrenched