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Re: My special place

@Snowie nothing wrong with you hun. It’s rough when an appointment is cancelled. Sitting with you 💖🫂

Re: My special place

@Jynx @Shaz51 

I don't even know why I bother. I try and do the right thing and open up to them and it just gets thrown back in my face. How can it be support when you never see them. 


I have their mobile that I can message, but why bother. They have already said they aren't coming. Whatever I say won't change it. Just not worth their time.


@creative_writer they cancelled last week too. Why won't they do it again. 

Re: My special place

I'm so done. 

They don't care so I don't either.

No point in anything.

Re: My special place

I’m sorry @Snowie that is so unfair. You need that support and it’s wrong that you have someone so unreliable. I just don’t know what to say. We can have a cuppa together

Re: My special place

@Eve7 thank you hon, but you have enough to worry about. 

I'm not worth it. I just don't want to navigate all of this sh*t. 

Not worth the trouble. 


I really hope tomorrow goes ok and things get sorted out. 

Please take care of you.


Re: My special place

@Snowie I’m sorry it’s been cancelled again. You deserve to get the support you need. Have you spoken to your SW about reliability. Everyone deserves to have their time respected

Re: My special place

Sorry @Snowie ❤️❤️

Re: My special place

You are worth every ounce of "trouble" @Snowie. Please stay safe.


I may be off line for a while but I care about you xox

Re: My special place

Saw the gp this morning. She asked how I was going. I started to tell her but just ended up saying I'm ok. Just got what I needed and got out.


Keep telling myself I just need to get over this SW crap. However it just reaffirms my thoughts about myself. Still can't get through a day.


Anyway, I hope everyone is going ok.





Re: My special place

@Snowie you are worth more than you realise 💖🫂. You do not deserve to have an unreliable SW