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Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

It’s quite funny @Snowie - what other movies are on your list

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

No other movies @Fluttershy1 

Some tv shows

Sometimes it's just nice to have something on in the background.

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Yeah, totally agree @Snowie - sometimes it makes me sleepy aswell

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

@Former-Member - you about? Just struggling a tad, am safe

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Hey there @Fluttershy1 🌺💜

my apologies sweetheart..I had an early night (I like to call it old lady syndrome! 🤭💜)

I’m sorry I wasn’t around - are you alright today, and did you manage to get some sleep?

I’ve just gotten back to my computer so I wanted to catch up and see how you’re doing 🙂🌺

thinking of you dearest 💜🌺🦩

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

@Former-Member @Snowie @Jynx @tyme @creative_writer - it feels like it’s never going to end this emotional pain, it’s so overwhelming, I can’t shut my mind off, I just want to run and hide from it all, I’m just really struggling, I’m scared and fearful. 
im safe 

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Understandably @Fluttershy1 . You have every right to be feeling this way. You have been through a lot.


We are with you.

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

I can’t process, I’m scared and overwhelmed @tyme- everything is all to much at the moment, I just wish I didn’t miscarry, I want the baby back. 

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

I'm hearing how hard the loss is. @Fluttershy1 . It would be good to speak to a Grief counsellor. Would you consider speaking to Griefline?


Did you speak to the doctor about why you possibly miscarried? I wonder if this will support the grief process. But I have to say, this is not my area of expertise so I'm not going to speak further on it.


I just want you to know you are not alone. There's not much more I can say...

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

I feel like running and hiding, I just wanna hide from it all @tyme - I’m safe