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Re: My special place

Good morning @NatureLover 

Hoping the meds are kicking in and you are feeling a little better today.


Forgot to do my bloods this morning. Better get them done tomorrow.


Anyway, hope you have a good day



Re: My special place

Do you think your thoughts have become the norm? @Snowie 


Thanks for your good wishes. Can't see much improvement, but I spent some time outside in the sun today, which was nice. 


Good luck getting your bloods done tomorrow...

Re: My special place

I don't know if they are becoming the norm @NatureLover or is this just my life now.

When do they get taken seriously? Maybe when plans start happening.


Spoke to my pdoc today. I told him what is happening.

He wants to me to think about another stay in hospital or increase my ECT sessions.


Glad you got to spend some time outside. Hopefully the sun was shining for you.






Re: My special place

Its been a bit since I have been on here. Things have been difficult and just needed some time away. Trying to navigate everything that is happening at the moment has been hard and tiring. One small step at a time. 


Sending love to all 💕💕



Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie good on you for listening to your needs and taking some time away.


I'm sorry to hear things have been hard recently, just keep on focusing on the next small step like you have been 💕 

Re: My special place

Thanks @Ru-bee 

Finding I'm getting overwhelmed so easily lately, not to mention my SI and SH has been steadily increasing. I know recognising these and listening to my needs, need to come first. Baby steps!

Re: My special place

I’ve been thinking of you @Snowie

Im glad you are looking after yourself

first. That takes strength.


well done

Re: My special place

@Snowie sometimes we all need that space. Sorry to hear it’s been rough. I don’t know about you, but sometimes even overwhelming emotions can make it hard to reach out for support. We are always here for you whenever you want to talk to your friends on the forum 💖🫂

Re: My special place

Today is a "I should have stayed in bed day"

I'm so angry at myself and life.


Re: My special place

Hey @Snowie

So sorry to hear that today's been tough! Do you have a few minutes to do some self-care/self-soothing activities? I find that it helps me feel a bit better when I've had a bad day.


We're here to listen and sit with you 💗